Hey everyone-
I am still in Arlington and just loving it. It is really cooled though, the other morning it was 29 degress, I have never been in a place this cold. My new companion is Hermana Moya from Ecuador and she is so awesome. She is teaching me tons of spanish.
So here is a cool story...
Last night we were going to go have a lesson and one of the members, Hermana Martinez from Bolivia came with us. As we were driving over to the lesson, I asked her how long she had been a member and she started telling us her conversion story.
She grew up in La Paz, Bolivia and down there, growing up they are told stories about their ancestors.
Their ancestors always believed that someday a 'white god' or "veracocha" would come. They grew up hearing stories and teachings of the 'white god' that was supposed to someday come to their land and they were told of the signs that would come as well. So when the Spainards came many people thought that they were the 'white gods' because of their skin color and also because they had a book that talked about a 'white god', the bible. Well, turns out they were not the 'white gods' as many of them thought. Hermana Martinez then said that when the missionaries shared with her about the Book of Mormon, about how Jesus Christ came to the Americas, that it was a story she already knew...it was the stories she grew up hearing from her grandparents and now, she had the actual writings of the stories they used to tell her, contained in The Book of Mormon. She then bore a strong testimony of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. The car was filled with the spirit. I have always known The Book of Mormon was true but in that moment, my conviction for it just grew. The reason why the work down in Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Mexico is so quick is because they have all heard the stories of the Book of Mormon growing up. The book of Mormon is True! Jose Smith was a Prophet called of God and the church of Jesus Christ, the same one he established has been restored and is on the earth today.
!Que Bonita Es Esta Vida!
I love you all.
ps photos from DC