Hey everyone!
So drum roll......I am staying in Bella Vista...Arlington Virginia for at least another 6 weeks. Cheeeeeyup! Im not gonna lie, I was shocked, but also really stoked. By the end of this transfer I will have officially spent basically half of my mission in this ward. I feel so blessed and so humbled because I have gotten to know some of the best people in my life. The members are so faithful, and truly understand the beauty and truthfulness of the gospel. They love the savior and they are always ready to go out and share the gospel. The last months of my life have been so crazy, I have learned more out here, in the last 8 months than I did the last 4 years and I am grateful for it. I was thinking about it and I never knew what the gospel was until I came out on my mission. I feel so blessed to be able to say now, that I know what it is. It is truth, it is the light along the pathway back to our heavenly father. it is our guide out here in this world. Because of the gospel, I know what my purpose is, who I am and who I want to be. I know what is most important and it is loving others as God does, it is serving others and doing the best that i can to be like Jesus. I love it! How blessed am I everyday. How blessed are we to be able to have this knowledge and to be able to share it with others! I love you all so much.
ps..shout out to:
The barnes family! you are all the best. Love you tons.
Petersons! I cant believe how big everyone is. Miss you all.
GrannyJO-get well, love you.